by Terry Burns, Kristal Prohaska, and Laurie Graney
May 31, 2022
As some readers know, we have used this site to communicate our research into the history of Indian Park in Platteville, Wisconsin. Back in 2020, we posted three articles on this blog-site, then updated them in January 2022 with information obtained during research partially supported by a Wisconsin Humanities Mini-grant:
“The Mysteries of Indian Park—Part I” Available:
“Indian Park Part II: The Cholera Burial” Available:
“Indian Park Part III: The Mystery of the Mounds” Available:
Since that time, we have uncovered more information and answered a few more questions.
Because of that, we’ve recently updated those articles. Because the articles did not contain any incorrect information, we decided to simply add the new information to those old articles. Where we have added new information, you will find that reflected in the articles.
The three of us have also given several presentations now on the history of “Indian Park” in Platteville. Here are the slides and handouts for that presentation:
The square of land now known as “Indian Park” has had a plethora of names through the years. You can find a list of those here.